High Desert Journal

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To Restore a Wealth That is Wild: Sandra Dal Poggetto’s Immersive Art

Sandra Dal Poggetto, American Fork No. 16
2017-20, soft pastel, charcoal, chalk, oil, buckskin danglers, 89.5” x 97”
Courtesy of Echo Arts, Bozeman, MT.

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1987, egg tempera, soft pastel, charcoal on canvas, 84” x 96”
Collection of Missoula Art Museum, gift of John W. & Carol L. H. Green.

1991, ink on paper, 8.5” x 11”
Collection of the artist.

1993, ink on paper, 5.5” x 7”
Private collection.

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The Stillwater
2005, wild turkey feathers, thread on paper, 31” x 22”
Collection of Nancy Brown Negley.

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Breed No. 7
2012, soft pastel, Hungarian partridge feathers, brass wire on paper, 47” x 42”
Private collection.

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Breed No. 14
2017, soft pastel, Canada goose feathers on paper, 13.75” x 19”
Private collection.

Fen No. 1
2018, oil, mallard pelts on gessoed cardboard, 9” x 12”
Private collection.

Surprise Creek No. 1
2017-18, oil, whitetail deer hide on cardboard, 10” x 16”
Private collection.

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American Fork No. 15
2016-17, oil, soft pastel, charcoal, buckskin danglers on canvas, 111” x 108”
Courtesy of Echo Arts, Bozeman, MT.

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Archive No. 1
2020, charcoal, oil on canvas, 86” x 88”
Courtesy of Echo Arts, Bozeman, MT.

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All Work by Sandra Dal Poggetto Included in HDJ Issue 33:

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Poet, editor, and cultural journalist Rick Newby is principal author of the monograph Theodore Waddell—My Montana: Paintings & Sculpture, 1959-2016, recipient of the High Plains Book Award, Art/Photography, 2018. He has also contributed major essays to the exhibition catalogs Matter + Spirit: Stephen De Staebler (de Young Museum, San Francisco, 2012), The Most Difficult Journey: The Poindexter Collections of American Modernist Painting (Yellowstone Art Museum, 2002), and A Ceramic Continuum: Fifty Years of the Archie Bray Influence (Holter Museum of Art, 2001). He is the editor of Writing Montana: Literature Under the Big Sky (with Suzanne Hunger), An Ornery Bunch: Tales and Anecdotes Collected by the W.P.A. Montana Writers’ Project (with Megan Hiller, Alexandra Swaney, and Elaine Peterson), The New Montana Story: An Anthology, and Roger Dunsmore’s On the Chinese Wall: New & Selected Poems, 1966-2018. Rick’s collection, A Regionalism That Travels: Essays & Talks on (Mostly) Montana Arts, is forthcoming from Drumlummon Institute in 2022. He makes his home in Helena, Montana.